On tonight’s walk, I did several things I’d not previously done before. I’ll definitely look to repeat them going forward.

A ) Ran a loop in my head focusing on everything that is right with me. More and more I’m shifting my normal operating mode and familiar patterns. I’m shifting away from the paradigm of approaching self from the stance of what needs to be fixed, developed, or improved. While these things are definitely healthy for discernment purposes and advancement, I feel a calling inside to change my operating system.

Instead of evaluating myself and behavior or intentions from this framework, I’m now putting all my focus on what’s going well with me. Asking myself what do I appreciate about myself, the journey, the progress, and the exciting potentials ahead. While a fairly recent development, more and more I’m identifying with and feeling myself as a Christ walking the planet. Staying within this consciousness.

So tonight as I set out, I focused on thoughts of appreciation for myself, my strength, my character, and looped the following thoughts on repeat.

Source adores me.

I’m doing extremely well.

Things are always working out for me.

Right place. Right time. Right now.

All in good time. Easy does it.

B ) This was a first. I had a conversation in mind with mom about energy in the spirit world. How she’ll be able to see emotions represented as various colors and watch them in action. This got me to thinking about the various colors swirling in my aura in my present state and consciousness.

Walking down the street I envisioned myself as a swirling ball of energies. I wasn’t seeing the human form any longer, just focusing on this matrix of energies. They were never still, but constantly swirling and intertwining. Each combination being a perfect reflection of my composition in any now moment.

In the ball I imagined and witnessed beautiful soft pink and blue. Strong and vibrant orange and saffron. Purple and violet to denote compassion and golds and silvers. It was all very beautiful and something I’ll continue doing — expanding how I perceive myself. Going beyond the human form to the multi-dimensional aspects and representations of my being.

C ) The last one I didn’t spend much time with tonight. But I’ll definitely be continuing to employ it going forward. Bashar speaks of “the illusion of power and the power of the illusion.” Tonight I was focusing on the power of the illusion. While walking down the sidewalk I was actively aware that this was a simulation. A game of sorts. My own drama. My own play.

Looking forward to continuing to work with this tool and shift my consciousness more and more out of the density of physical reality and see it ever more plastic and clay like. Feel it ever more malleable as I begin to really understand how to now work to shape it.

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