Category: Uncategorized

  • I missed a day in documenting. Yesterday, I listened on Kindle to the KeyCode Initiation 1 from Isis. Damn! There was a lot there. It was a quantum powerhouse exercise in releasing. Ancestral, old vows, karmic relationships, prior spiritual notions, misgivings, duties….needless to say, it packed a punch. It was a lot to take in.…

  • Starting a project to track experience with the Sophia Code. I read the introduction from Isis this morning. It was a lovely warm, rainy spring morning and I felt drawn to get outside for a walk. So at 7:45 am I made it to the park. Felt drawn to wear a long flowing skirt today.…

  • Notice it’s not the teachings of people that impact us at that deep and visceral level. It’s the unspoken teaching that occurs from witnessing and experiencing them. In the totality of their being. The Point of Presence which is the culmination of their victories and their challenges and sufferings as they’ve heeded the inner call…

  • On tonight’s walk, I did several things I’d not previously done before. I’ll definitely look to repeat them going forward. A ) Ran a loop in my head focusing on everything that is right with me. More and more I’m shifting my normal operating mode and familiar patterns. I’m shifting away from the paradigm of…

  • dinner and $5

    As I write this it’s Saturday, March 30, 2024. It’s 5:54 pm. The day has been magical. In the extremely accommodating temperatures of the last couple weeks, this spring day is effervescent with life and enthusiasm. Colors are exploding with a vibration and intensity previously unknown to me. I have about $5 to my name.…